Pasta Primavera

Pasta Primavera
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Clean-Out-The-Fridge “Veg-A-Vera”



It’s that time of the week again!  When we use up all the delicious veggies lurking in the fridge, just waiting to be eaten while they’re still fresh.  I actually made a few garden harvest firsts this week too, including my first and very early butternut squash.  It’s not a very traditional veggie for a Pasta Primavera, but the added flavor doesn’t hurt a thing.  This is a real smorgasbord of vegetables, so feel free to use anything that makes you heart a flutter.   I find my “use-up-the-left-overs recipe” is more appealing to the recipients when I give it a special and more elegant name like Pasta Primavera.   It’s an honest name, but I find they certainly look more interested in the feast than they do when you call it “clean out the fridge for dinner”.   

To make this, just open you chiller and see what you have left from the week.  I found a few ears of corn, some of my homegrown green beans (be still my beating heart!), of course my butternut squash,  some onions, grilled zucchini ribbons and some juicy cherry tomatoes.  

Grilling corn indoors on the grill pan
Grilling corn indoors on the grill pan
Veggies for Pasta Primavera
Pasta Primavera veggies – you can use whatever you have

Add that to a creamy, garlic, lemony sauce and add some pasta, WALLA!  You’ve got ’em eating leftovers out of your hands!  Here’s how I made it.

The Scoop on Pasta Primavera

First of all, let me clarify that there is no law stating you can’t plan and purchase your favorite, fresh veggies just for this dish.  That would be spectacular.  Primarvera is usually made with the freshest spring vegetables.  Think peas and mushrooms, onions, asparagus, etc.  But honestly, it’s whatever you like.  My version using leftovers is just as good and  is still perfectly creamy and full of bright lemon and Parmesan cheese.

The Secret Left-Over Version/Recipe

First, start a large pot of water boiling for the pasta.  Add a good amount of salt, I usually add at least an entire tablespoon.   Clean and chop your veggies.  I used a regular sweet onion and diced it.  Add 1 tablespoon of butter to a large saute pan and then add 3 finely minced garlic cloves and the onion.  Saute until the onion is translucent, about 5 minutes on medium heat. 

Always cooking with wine
I love to cook with wine. Even if the wine isn’t in the dish
Saute Veggies for Pasta Primavera
Sautee veggies for pasta primarvera

Add the rest of the veggies you’ve selected.  I grilled some corn on my indoor grill pan and removed the corn from the cob.  The sweet taste of the corn combined with the other ingredients was a real winner.  Toss the veggies together for a few minutes. 

What a great looking mix of veggies for the Pasta Primavera
Pasta Primavera – any veggies will work

Put the pasta into the boiling water and cook according to package directions.  That’s usually about 11 minutes. 

While the pasta is cooking, zest and juice 2 whole lemons.  Add all the juice and zest to the veggies and then add 1/3 cup half and half or cream.  You can also substitute whole Greek yogurt or non dairy substitute.  Mix well and let it come to a boil.  Add the lemon juice and the zest and mix well.  Turn off the heat and add 1 cup of grated Parmesan cheese and mix well. 

A delicious looking sautee of vegetables for Primavera
Beautiful mix of vegetables makes primavera so good

Drain the pasta, reserving about 1/2 cup of the pasta water.  Add the drained pasta to the pan and toss to coat, adding some of the reserved water to thicken the sauce.  Top with freshly chopped basil or parsley and some lemon wedges.  Enjoy!

Pasta Primavera
Pasta Primavera





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