A Sexy Sipper🕺🏻💃🏻
![Madrid 43 Cocktail](https://i0.wp.com/bittersaltysoursweet.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/B4B8B0F7-3326-4D7F-B3BA-E7471FFD82EA.jpeg?resize=840%2C1120&ssl=1)
Oooh la, la, this is a delicious little cocktail, my friends. Have you ever had Liquor 43? Well, it’s beyond fantastic. It’s from Spain and it’s a blend of citrus, vanilla and a lot of other spices. I don’t think I should keep this around my house because there are seriously, a million things you could make with this absolutely delicious liquor and it could get dangerous.
This is the perfect cocktail for sitting in front of a fire and enjoying with someone you love. That’s right, It’s a sexy little drink. It’s also great to enjoy with friends. I was hanging with my sister and her guy, but seriously, I have to say, they were looking even better than usual while I was enjoying my Sexy Sipper! Here’s how I made it.
The Most Beautiful Ice Cube
I realize most of us don’t own one of these amazing round cube makers. They sell them at Hammacher Schlemmer https://www.hammacher.com/Product/12914?cm_cat=ProductSEM&cm_pla=AdWordsPLA&source=PRODSEM&gclid=Cj0KCQjwl7nYBRCwARIsAL7O7dFF8MoIhMlrvNJhEMS94MQE4HM7_rim4rZMNWOYzUDXG-SkzUNL3KQaAtNoEALw_wcB. It’s only $759.59 😉and it’s made of copper. I mean, it’s totally worth the money. I just don’t have that kind of cash for an ice cube “former”. That’s right, it’s just a “former”. You have to make the giant square ice cube yourself, first. Anyway, this is another version, it’s from Amazon that’s a bit more affordable, just $189, https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjP1L6Hx67bAhUS1GQKHYkZDSgYABAZGgJwag&sig=AOD64_1Q8o3TFiheELB65tNPu9nwZQ3oJg&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwjhh7qHx67bAhWiIDQIHQvFBJcQ9aACCE0&adurl= but you still have to make the ice cube yourself. But, you can see, it’s impressive! Right??? This is the one we used and it worked great.
The difference in forming the ball with the machines vs a ice cube tray is the clarity of the ice cube. They really are beautiful 😀
Back to the Sexy Drink
In a small rocks glass, add your giant round ice ball, or at least the biggest square ice cube you can. Then add 2 ounces of your favorite bourbon. We used Woodford Reserve. Then add 1/2 ounce Liquor 43. Garnish with a beautiful flower and enjoy! ¡Salud!
![Madrid 43 Cocktail](https://i0.wp.com/bittersaltysoursweet.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/8B8EE1A8-0906-485C-8703-0139137FF408.jpeg?resize=840%2C1120&ssl=1)
- 2 ounces fine bourbon
- 1/2 ounce Liquor 43 Spanish Liqueur
- 1-2 dashes orange bitters
- In a short rock glass, add 1 large ice cube
- add 2 ounces fine bourbon and 1/2 ounce Liquor 43
- Optional: 1-2 dashes of orange bitters
- garnish with a flower or orange peel